Version History
- Added Head Coach
- 增加主教练编辑的功能
- Fixed Teams & Jerseys tab compatibility for November(?) PC rosters
- 修正PC11月名单 球队&球衣选项单 的兼容性
- LastJerseyID will be recalculated each time a roster is loaded
- LastJerseyID 将会在每次读取名单时重新计算
- Fixed pasting functionality for some columns in Players table
- Players table filter can be removed by clicking on Filter in the Find & Replace dialog with an empty Find column
- 修正了在球员列表中某些列的功能
- 通过在查找和替换日志中的“Filter”,球员列表中的 “filter”可以被删除并替换成一个空白的查询列
- Pasting TeamID1 & TeamID2 now works
- 过去的? TeamID1 和 TeamID2 现在可以正常使用了
- Added TeamID1 & TeamID2
- Added the following read-only columns to Players table
* AssignedTo: Shows you which team this player is assigned to in the Teams table
* IsFA: Tells you if the player is in the FA pool
* IsHidden: Tells you if the player is in no teams, nor the FA pool
- Added Filter feature to Find & Replace dialog which filters the players table according to the specified filters
- 增加 TeamID1 & TeamID2
-增加 如下的只读列到球员列表
* IsFA:告诉你
* IsHidden:告诉你这名球员是否既不属于任何球队,也不在自由球员名单中
- Free Agents Pool expanded to 512 spots, since 256 were too few; may need further expansion
- 自由球员Pool?扩展到512个 spot?, 因为256太少了,未来还可能需要扩充
- Fixed automatic roster reordering & PlNum correction bug
- 修正了名单的自动排序和PINum的bug
- Added jersey neck & sock color
- Added "Apply Replace Filters" feature which applies the replacements based on all the "Find & Replace" filters in a specific folder
- Fixed color handling in Jerseys tab, colors should now show and be applied correctly
- Fixed a mistake in the order of the Hot Spots
- Fixed bug that caused edits to some cells in tables not to save when pressing Tab to switch to the next cell
- Fixed color selection dialog showing up on non-related double-clicks on the tables
- 增加球衣领和袜子颜色
- (这个我意译)增加了查找与替换的功能
- 修正了球衣Tab上的颜色矫正,先在颜色会被显示和正确的应用
- 修正了一个球员热区顺序的错误
- 修正了一个当用Tab键切换列表时,一些编辑可能无法被正常保存的bug
- 修正了颜色选择日志的显示,当双击一些不相关的列表时
- Jersey GID and Names added, courtesy of Hyperballer21
- 增加了Jersey GID 以及 Names,由Hyperballer21提供
- Added "ChooseNameBy" option to allow user to have a "names.txt" with a first column that's not Player ID, but any column of the Players table
- Fixed paste crash bug in Players table
- 增加“ChooseNameBy”选项,允许用户设定一个第一列不是Player ID的“names.txt”
- 修正在球员列表中粘贴时,软件崩溃的bug
- Fixed hang when saving players
- 修正保存球员时软件无响应或响应时间过长
- Added Height, Weight, Skintone, Hair Color, Eyebrows, Moustache, Facial Hair Color, Beard, Goatee
- Added Dunk Packages, Signature Shot Form & Base, Signature Free Throw
- Added team names for all 90 entries (courtesy of Hyperballer21)
- Fixed Find & Replace ignoring the last player in the Players table
- 增加Added Height, Weight, Skintone, Hair Color, Eyebrows, Moustache, Facial Hair Color, Beard, Goatee可编辑
- 增加Dunk Packages, Signature Shot Form & Base, Signature Free Throw可编辑
- 增加所有90支球队(或球队项)可编辑(由Hyperballer21提供)
- 修正“查找与替换”功能中,列表中最后一位球员被忽略的情况
- Fixed checksum not being updated when saving Jerseys in PC mode
- 修正PC当保存球衣时 校验和? 没有被更新的问题
- Added Find & Replace functionality for Players tab
- Added Last Team ID option to force the Teams tab to show more roster entries
- Added automatic Check for Updates on start-up
- 增加对Players tab的“查找与替换”功能
- 增加Last Team ID的一个选项可以强制Teams tab显示更多的名单项
- 增加软件启动时,可以自动更新的功能
- Added Player Contracts
- Fixed Jersey editing on the 360
- Fixed Muscle Tone and Body Type editing
- Fixed a bug that caused hex values of shoe colors not to update in the table after editing
- 增加球员合同可编辑
- 修正XBOX360球衣编辑的问题
- 修正了肌肉颜色和体形编辑的问题
- 修正了一个bug,在编辑后,球鞋颜色hex的值没有被更新的问题
- Added Shoe Colors
- Added Jersey Colors
- 增加球鞋颜色可编辑
- 增加球衣颜色可编辑
- Added Assistant Coach to Teams tab
- Fill with consecutive works for 76ers again
- Teams table now parses data automatically when pasting
- 增加了在Teams tab中可编辑助理教练
- 再一次对76人队加入了 连续的工作?
- Teams表现在可以自动传值
- Added CAP Hair Type, Eye Color, Muscle Tone, Body Type, Jersey Number
- Shoe Brand and Shoe Model and all parameters added in this release are pastable
- 增加 CAP Hair Type, Eye Color, Muscle Tone, Body Type, Jersey Number可编辑
- 球鞋品牌和球鞋模型以及所有的参数在这个版本中都是可传递的
- Shoe Brand and Shoe Model are editable
- Audio ID has been discovered by DukeW74 to actually be ASA ID
- 球鞋品牌和球鞋模型现在可以编辑了
- Audio ID已经被DukeW74发现了 Audio ID 实际上是 ASA ID?
- Support for MyCareer saves (*.CMG)
- 增加了对MyCareer模式存档的支持
- Support for Association saves (*.FXG)
- 增加了对王朝模式存档的支持
- Tool will now skip any pasted rows that have Player IDs that can't be parsed (e.g. rows with no Player ID set, empty rows, etc), instead of stopping the paste; all such errors will be silently logged to "tracelog.txt" as well
- 当队员ID不能被解析时,工具将会自动跳过那些行 (比如,那些没有Player ID的或空行),防止出现粘贴失败或终止的情况。过程中所有的错误将会在后台被记录在“tracelog.txt”文件中
- Fixed bug introduced in that caused tool to crash when pasted data lacked one or more columns
- 修正了一个在0.5.2.2中的bug,当一行或多行缺少时,传数据(值)会导致软件崩溃
- When pasting, erroneous data in a certain column will not change the value at all
- Silent errors will now be logged in the "tracelog.txt" file under "My Documents\NBA 2K13 Roster Editor"
- 当传值或数据时,在某个列的错误数据完全不会影响原数据
- 错误将会被记录在"My Documents\NBA 2K13 Roster Editor"目录下的 "tracelog.txt"文件
- Fixed pasting Audio ID
- 修正了与Audio ID关联的问题
- Audio ID added to Players table
- Audio ID现被加入Player列表中
- Fixed Hot Spots overwriting Tendencies when pasting to the Players table
- 修正了当数据传递到Player列表时,球员热区将覆盖球员出手频率(Tendency)的问题
- Fixed various bugs that would cause the tool to crash or misinterpret data when pasting into the Players and Teams tables
- 修正了许多会使软件崩溃的bug,修正了当数据传到Players和Teams列表时,数据错误的问题
- Ratings, Tendencies and Hot Spots columns now are named
- Copy-pasting for the Players table should work completely
- 球员评价,出手方式(Tendency)以及热区现在被命名了?
- 对于球员列表的复制以及传值功能现在应该可以正常工作了
- Players and Options tab are now spreadsheet like as well
- Ratings, Tendencies and Hot Spots added to Players
- Teams' PlNum and Player Order will automatically be fixed on save
- Now the user can change the name of the file to load Player names from, to allow for multiple files
- Player和Option选单现在也像电子表格一样
- 增加了球员的Ratings, Tendencies 和 Hot Spots
- Teams' PlNum 以及 Player Order现在可以在保存时被自动修正
- 现在用户可以可以自定义文件名,也允许多个文件一起被加载
- Fixed bug that would substitute the FA pool with the Bobcats players on save
- 修正了在保存时自由球员将被山猫队球员替换的bug
- The tool will now read and write 18 roster entries instead of 15 for every team
- 工具现在将可读写含有18个球员的名单,不再是15人大名单了
- Added roster editing for all 30 current teams and the FA pool
- 增加了对所有30支现役球队以及自由名单的编辑
- Fixed player entry reading after Player ID 1365 in X360 rosters
- Known Issue: (X360) Editing Signature Skills of Jamaal Magloire on Player ID 1364 doesn't work for now
- If you have a "names.txt" file in your "My Documents\NBA 2K13 Roster Editor" with tab-separated Player IDs and names, the tool will now show you the name of the player you're editing
- 修正了在球员ID1365之后 球员的读取(XBOX360名单)
- 已知问题:球员ID为1364的Jamaal Magloire的特殊技能无法被编辑(XBOX360)
- 如果在"My Documents\NBA 2K13 Roster Editor"路径中 有一个 含有球员ID和名字的名为“names.txt”的文件,工具将会显示你正在编辑的球员
- Tool no longer crashes when Search by CF doesn't find a player with that CF ID
- 当无法找到面补的ID是,本工具不会崩溃
- Fixed bug with CF reading/writing introduced in v0.3.2.1
- 修正了在上一般被介绍的 面补读写的bug
- Fixed bug with PlType not being read correctly
- 修正了PlType无法被读取的bug
- Added PlType editing (PC & X360)
- 增加了PlType可编辑功能(兼容PC以及XBOX360平台)
- Added support for GenericF editing (PC & X360)
- Added error reports
- 增加了对GenericF修改的支持(兼容PC以及XBOX360平台)
- 增加了错误报告
- Added support for CF ID & Portrait ID editing (PC & X360)
- Added Search by CF feature
- 增加了对面补ID和照片ID的修改(兼容PC以及XBOX360平台)
- 增加了查找面部的功能
- Added X360 support for the Signature Skills editing
- 增加XBOX360对特殊技能修改的支持
- Added X360 support for the Team Roster editing
- 增加XBOX360对球队名单修改的支持
- All 12 player IDs of the 76ers can be changed
- 76队全部的12个队员的Player ID可以被更改了
- Added changing the Player ID of the 5th player of the 76ers to test out different Player IDs
- 增加了更改76队第五个球员的Player ID,进而可以测试不同的Player ID
- The offset of the current player's first signature skill is shown
- Buttons to switch players quickly have been added
- 现役球员的第一个特殊技能已经可以被显示了
- 增加了交换球员的按钮
- Added Gatorade Prime Pack and On Court Coach signature skills
- 增加佳得乐扩展包?和场上教练的标志动作?
- Tool can now save changes to roster files
- 工具可以把一些更改保存到Roster文件中
- Initial release
- 首版发布