我自己收集的一些关于《Oxygen Not Included》(中文暂译:《缺氧》)游戏开始前,人物角色选择的一些说明。
Athletics 健壮
- The athletics attribute determines a Duplicant's movement speed.
- 健壮值决定了复制人的移动速度。
Cooking 烹饪
- The cooking attribute determines a Duplicant's Food production speed.
- 烹饪能力决定了复制人制作食物的速度。
Digging 挖掘
- The digging attribute determines a Duplicant's mining speed.
- 挖掘能力决定了复制人挖矿的速度。
Medicine 治疗
- The Medicine attribute determines a Duplicant's Disease resistance and ability to heal after injury.
- 治疗能力决定了复制人的抗病能力和受伤后的回复能力。
Tinkering 工匠
- The Tinkering attribute determines a Duplicant's efficiency when operating machines.
- 工匠能力决定了复制人在操作机械时的效率。
Construction 建造
- The Construction attribute determines a Duplicant's building speed. Translated by LianMin.
- 建造能力决定了复制人的建筑速度。
Creativity 创造
- Creativity affects the speed and quality of a Duplicant's artistic creations.
- 创造力影响了复制人艺术创作的速度和质量。
Learning 学习
- The Learning attribute determines a Duplicant's skill training and Research effectiveness.
- 学习能力决定了复制人的技能训练、科研的效率。
Strength 韧性
- The Strength attribute determines a Duplicant's carrying capacity and combat effectiveness.
- 韧性值决定了复制人携带物品的数量以及战斗的效率。
Amphibious 两栖生物
- This Duplicant moves as quickly underwater as they do on land
- 这个复制人在水里的行动速度就像在岸上一样快!
Anemic 贫血
- This Duplicant is the exact opposite of athletic.
- 这个复制人相当不擅长运动。
Biohazard 生物危险
- All the Vitamin C in space can't stop this Duplicant from getting sick. Translated by LianMin.
- 再多的维生素C也不能阻止这个复制人生病
Bottomless Stomach 四次元大胃
- This Duplicant might actually be several blackholes in a trenchcoat. Calories Burn Rate: -.8 kcal/s
- 这个复制人的风衣下面实际上藏着一个黑洞。卡路里燃烧率-0.8千卡/秒
Diver's Lungs 潜水员的肺
- This Duplicant may have been a talented opera singer in another life. Air Consumption Rate: -25.0 g/s
- 这个复制人可能有着唱歌剧的天赋。空气消耗率-25.0克/秒
Early Bird 早起的鸟儿
- This Duplicant wakes up felling fresh and efficient! In the first part of the day, adds +2 to all skills.
- 这个复制人醒来后感到自己充满了决心!在每日伊始,所有技能+2。
Flatulence 自视甚高
- Some Duplicants are just full of it
- 一些复制人总是爱惹麻烦
Gastrophobia 幽闭恐惧症
- This Duplicant has an unshakable fear of kitchens and the culinary arts. Can not perform job: Cook
- 这个复制人非常恐惧厨房和烹饪作品。不能胜任烹饪相关工作。
Grease Monkey 油滑的猴子
- This Duplicant likes to throw a wrench into the colony's plans... in a good way
- 这个复制人喜欢阻挠殖民地的计划……说干就干!
Interior Decorator 室内装饰达人
- Just a little more to the left... Creativity: +5.00 , Decor Expectation: +5.00
- 总感觉左边还需要点什么东西…… 创造+5.00,装修期望值+5.00
Iron Gut 钢铁消化
- This Duplicant can eat just about anything without getting sick!
- 这个复制人能够吃掉所有东西还不生病!
Irritable Bowel 泌尿过敏
- This Duplicant takes a little longer than usual to "do their business". Bladder Efficiency: -0.50
- 这个复制人比其他人更频繁的“解决个人问题”。膀胱效率-0.50
Loud Sleeper 呼噜大王
- In space, everyone can hear you snore.
- 这个空间站里所有人都能听见你打鼾。
Mole Hands 鼹鼠之爪
- These hands are great for tunneling, but finding gloves is a nightmare.
- 这双手很擅长打洞,但是对手套而言是个噩梦。
Mouth Breather 靠嘴呼吸
- This Duplicant sucks up way more than their fair share of Oxygen. Air Consumption Rate: +100.0 g/s
- 这个复制人呼吸着过多的氧气,超出了本应公平的份额。空气消耗率+100 克/秒
Narcoleptic 昏睡症
- This Duplicant can and will fall asleep anytime, anyplace.
- 这个复制人能够也将会在任何时间、任何地点睡着。
Naturally Robust 天生强壮
- This Duplicant's hardy immune system repels most common illnesses.
- 这个复制人强大的免疫力能够帮助他抵抗大多数疾病。
Night Owl 夜猫子
- This Duplicant does their best work when they ought to be sleeping
- 在他们应该睡觉时,这个复制人会尽他的最大努力工作。
Quick Learner 学霸
- This Duplicant's sharp as a tack and picks up new skills with amazing speed.
- 这个复制人有着使用惊人速度来学习新技能的有效方法。
Scaredy-Cat 胆小如鼠
- This Duplicant is afraid of violence. Can not perform job: Combat
- 这个复制人惧怕暴力。不能胜任战斗相关的工作。
Slow Learner 学渣
- This Duplicant is a little slow on the uptake, but gosh do they try.
- 这个复制人虽然学得慢,但是你知道他有多努力吗
Small Bladder 超小膀胱
- This Duplicant has a tiny, pea-sized bladder. Adorable! Bladder Change: +0.2 %/s
- 这个复制人有着和豌豆一样小的膀胱,超级可爱!膀胱每秒变化:+0.2%
Twinkletoes 凌波微步
- This Duplicant is light as a feather on their feet.
- 这个复制人的身体轻盈如羽
Uncultured 无知者无畏
- This Duplicant has no appreciation for the finer things. Decor Expectation: -20.00 , Refuses to do job: Art
- 这个复制人没有鉴赏艺术的能力。装修期望值-20.00,不能胜任艺术相关的工作。
Yokel 乡巴佬
- This Duplicant isn't the brightest star in the sky. Can not perform job: Research
- 这个复制人并不是天空中最闪亮的明星。不能胜任科研相关的工作。
Decor Expectation 装修期望值
- Areas with Decor values lower than a Duplicant's Decor Expectations will cause their Stress to rise, while high decor values will cause their stress to fall.
- 区域装修水平低于复制人的装修期望值时,他们将压力将会增加;反之当装修水平高时压力则会下降。
- A Duplicant's expectations will increase as they level up and become better at their jobs.
- 复制人的装修期望值会随着他们等级提升而增加,并且将会更擅长于他们自己的工作。
Stress Response 压力反馈
- Vomiter: This Duplicant is liable to puke everywhere when stressed
- 呕吐:这个复制人在高压力下容易呕吐
- Destructive: This Duplicant will take out their frustrations on defenseless machines when stressed
- 发泄:这个复制人在高压力下将会对着毫无防御的机器发泄自己挫折